Sunday, January 30, 2005

Del Mar

36 boxes, ten rolls of tape and one hell of a supportive roommate later here I am in San Diego, CA staying with a friendly coworker in Del Mar, north of San Diego proper. And yes it's cold. Well, cold for me.

I left Honolulu with a bang, (pictures will follow) hitting all the old favorites: Bambooze to hear Jason sing one more time, Friday's of course for some ensuring-no-hurling-chicken-fingers and to say goodbye to Apato and other random empoyees and regulars, a quick jaunt up to the 5th floor pool bar, The Deep End and then the famaliar walk to Kelly's. Since the Rose closed down it was super packed. Just one beer there. Really, only one beer there and then we hiked to the Diamond Head side of Waikiki to Spinners.

We're were spinning baby, we were spinning.

And what night is complete without karaoke? Please never, ever let me have a microphone in my hand again. Ever.

Last call didn't stop the fun.

In keeping with my style I returned home at 8 am only to continue packing and preparing boxes for shipping and items for goodwilling at the generous gesture of my amazing friend Mark.

Note to all, hangovers make the good bye at the airport much less tearful, hardly any at all in fact.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Adding Up

I just got a call from Matson and my car awaits me in Long Beach, CA.

I have a plane ticket, my car is now there and I'm currently training my replacement so there's no job for me here in HI so I guess I'm moving to San Diego.

Oh my gosh. Who's crazy idea was this?

Five Days to Go and Nothing is Done

It's Monday. I panicked today and went to Macy*s in the hope of finding something appropriate to wear to the office. I hate the game. The dress up game of it all. Really I'm talented, smart, witty and even moreso if I can just kick it in my favorite pair of jeans, a comfy t-shirt and my slippers. The results are leaps and bounds superior to that than if I'm in a cube wondering if my pants are too tight and why, oh why is Steve Madden such a masochist.

Yesterday, the clouds did burn off and I got sunkissed (read: burnt)at Sandys, the perfect beach for afternoon soon. Afterwards we stopped at Koko Head Crater Botanical Garden to look the plumerias that were beginning to bloom and to tour the cactus garden. And yes, the batteries in my digital camera decided to die on the drive out when I wanted to snap the coastline. One big negative stroke for technology there.

Plumerias were followed by the most perfect dinner, Minute Chicken Cake Noodle and Mu Shu Pork in Aina Hina.

I did pack both pre and post beach. Some.

Send in the calvary. Please.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Seven Days and Counting

I’m sitting on the floor in my bedroom surround by a perimeter of stuff and some really large dust bunnies. Mostly it’s clothes trying to escape from the baskets, boxes and confined piles I’ve tried to create in an order systematic to my mind. Sleeves and pant legs hang outside their containers like limp, cotton tentacles.

The last of the furniture left yesterday so I’ll be sleeping on the couch for the next week. It’s a comfy couch but it’s a couch none the less. Since I hear the sounds of the neighborhood more and Mark stirring it helps me get up especially today, Sunday, when I would normally sleep in until my back hurt.

It looks to be overcast this morning. Drat! I really wanted, needed to go to the beach today. I need to beach. But it’s not yet nine so the clouds might burn off by mid afternoon and they’ll still be sun time.

I’d better get moving if the opportunity for fun presents itself, I’m ready.

Oh, I’d upload a picture but I have no idea where my camera is. Not a clue.

Sunday, January 16, 2005


The first of many . . . Posted by Hello

The first of many... Posted by Hello

One of Many

Anyone care to wager a guess as to the final box count?

The first box! It's addressed to the office manager who has offered to stack my boxes in my new office. That's right I said office not cube.

"Moving on up, to the east side . . . I finally got a piece of the pie." OK, not really. I doubt there's a window.

Found the damn tape and ran out on my second box (I'm super reinforcing). Off to the store to get more and some liquid heroin (store bought iced tea laden with sugar).

I'd take a picture of the room right now, it's currently in the it has to look worse before it can look better stage but my roommate would yell at me for taking more pictures.

The Boss of Me

Alright I've actually goten some packing done AND found the tape! But what I really need is for my three sisters to come walking through that door and boss me around and get this done. Big sisters, especially mine, know how to get things done. And since they do not have attachment to anything in the room they'd say "Toss it all". Karen, The General, would stand there with her hands on her hips and say, "Carol, you need sheets, towels and pots and pans and not even those because I know you don't cook."

And they would of course shake their heads at me wondering how one person could create such mess when two of them run households of six people and pets! You just can't move 8,000 miles away from your family and still have them there when you need them.

Move update 1.16.05 -1:12 pm Posted by Hello
So after I took the time to upload pictures depicting my lack of packing I got motivated and packed some, even updated the 'Master Packing List' but now I can't find the packing tape. Aaargh! I know it's here, somewhere. I refuse to walk to the store to buy tape when I know that I have an entire roll.

Another update photo. Those stacked boxes are empty, ready for stuff.

Move Update 1.16.05 Posted by Hello
The packing isn't going well. Actually, it isn't going at all. Early in the week I whittled down the closet so only the clothes I wear to work regularly are hanging. The empty hangers really made me aware of just how many clothes I have. Yesterday I re-sorted some clothes making myself really pick what I was going to bring and what I was going to donate.

Furniture that remains: bed, headboard, dresser, vanity (with seat) and a great ergodynamic chair that no one wants - simpletons (though none of this is pictured here just the heaping piles of crap)