Sunday, October 30, 2005

Chalk Festival

Little Italy has this annual chalk festival. My understanding is that its roots go back to WWII when disabled soldiers returning home unable to work created street art for donations.

Now it's a festival to remind San Diegans that the easy to forget neighborhood has businesses you should give your money to.

Pictures here

Thursday, October 27, 2005

The Mod Squad

I haven't posted in a while and this post is to keep me going through the day. It's Thursday and time for the weekly skate date.

This was taken three weeks ago on a pier near Sea Port Village. The Coronado Bridge can be seen faintly in the background.

L to R, Bill coworker, originally from DC so you know he's cool, me, fill in your description and Donny, former Boy Scout and current indentured servant to the US Navy.

Other posts are in the works. Watch this space.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Duct Tape Council Submission

I'm a little behind posting this as this happened two weeks ago.

So there I was, there I was innocently skating along, thankfully at a slow pace waiting for the boys to catch up when my right skate felt suspiciously loose.

I looked down and yup, my skate had broke. They were ten years old and well loved.

I asked skate buddy # 1 and former Boy Scout if he had any super glue. Before the question was out of my mouth he looked at my skate and said, “What we need is some duct tape.”

We were near the marina and as luck would have it there was a dry docked boat on pilings. It was behind a wooden fence but the boat was tall enough that the two hammering mariners were visible. I skated over slowly and in my girliest voice possible asked for tape. They seemed skeptical it would work but tossed over a roll of red duct tape.

“Ooo, it will match my shirt” I shout.

The mariners just shook their heads and laughed.

After wrapping nearly two feet of duct tape around my ankle I asked, “You do have a pen knife in your car, right?”

Nearly indignant at the question my Scout Skater replied in the affirmative.

On we skated.

It was a fantastic skate to Ocean Beach, watching the sun set.

And then the pavement jumped up and bit me.

Skate buddy #2, a parent, immediately asked if I hit my head, looked for spewing blood while the Boy Scout circled us, creating a perimeter in case any cars passed.

More embarrassed than hurt (the second day is always worse) on we skated.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Evidence of Duct Tape

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Found Outside My Apt Building