Sunday, January 23, 2005

Seven Days and Counting

I’m sitting on the floor in my bedroom surround by a perimeter of stuff and some really large dust bunnies. Mostly it’s clothes trying to escape from the baskets, boxes and confined piles I’ve tried to create in an order systematic to my mind. Sleeves and pant legs hang outside their containers like limp, cotton tentacles.

The last of the furniture left yesterday so I’ll be sleeping on the couch for the next week. It’s a comfy couch but it’s a couch none the less. Since I hear the sounds of the neighborhood more and Mark stirring it helps me get up especially today, Sunday, when I would normally sleep in until my back hurt.

It looks to be overcast this morning. Drat! I really wanted, needed to go to the beach today. I need to beach. But it’s not yet nine so the clouds might burn off by mid afternoon and they’ll still be sun time.

I’d better get moving if the opportunity for fun presents itself, I’m ready.

Oh, I’d upload a picture but I have no idea where my camera is. Not a clue.


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