Sunday, June 19, 2005

Did I Stutter?

I’m selling two dressers on Craigslist and the ad specifically says:

Please email with:

- a name that you'll respond to
- phone number
- when you can come pick one or both dressers.

Here’s content of the email I received:
hi, i was interested in the
dressers. if you still have them please
call me at



OK, two out of the three, but email is a form of communication (and I won't even start on why punctuation and capitolization are still important even in an email) and maybe there was a reason why I’d like to know when someone when might be coming by as I am a single female and I wanted to make sure my big Serbian roommate was home. Or regardless of the reason, the parameters were set. Is it so difficult to comply with guidelines? I don’t really know why I’m surprised. I wrote product and process marketing copy in a former life and what I learned is that customers never read anything.


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