Saturday, April 30, 2005

Another Saturday

So this is a post of random thoughts.

I have got to be the world's the laziest person. I could just say that I'm a tail end GenXer so there but I am so lazy. I say if I had company coming over I might keep my room in some sort of semblance of order but I've never done that (to all parents reading this, you're not a bad person for making your kids clean their rooms, lest the end up like me, a 28 year old adult that never cleans her room).

I bought a sewing machine a month and a half ago and two weeks ago I bought two patterns, for a skirt and a top. Both claimed to be Sew Easy. I cut out the fabric for the skirt last night and as I listened to delicate crinkle of the pattern fall in between the new shears and I remembered my mom doing just the same at our dining room table. She tried to teach me once, at my request when I was 12 or 13, and I was so impatient and obnoxious that I never finished the project. Fast forward fifteen years later I was sewing curtains with my then roommate Mark to cover the total 22 feet of window space in my super hot apartment and I kept thinking then as I was last night it would have been better to learn from my mom. Regret is the toxin of life. I found myself holding the pins in between my teeth just like she did though as a child I often asked her not to as I was afraid she swallow one.

A friend from high school that I've maintained contact with through letters and now email during the mundane work day married a guy who has written a novella. I'm driving to Palm Springs tomorrow (est time 2 hours but I'll offer a report afterwards) to have dinner with him. What else do I have to do? After an initial reading and feedback he asked for a line by line edit so I'm off to Borders to pick some things for myself and treat myself to some girly coffee drink with whipped cream and maybe even a lemon bar while I finish editing Love Will Travel in the cafe. Oh so trendy, yes? I don't know if he's expecting it but I want to surprise him with my completed edit and donated copies of Poets & Writers magazine.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My parents tried and failed to make me tidy and clean, too. I finally made some changes when 1, I had a baby on the way,2, I was living with a neat-freak husband and 3,someone bought me a book in which the author waxed lyrical about the joys of having a clean house. It occasionally lets me get stuff done.

Did the sewing work out? I was baffled by my first (and only) two sewing patterns, but following the instructions seemed to work and these real garments appeared miraculously under my fingers.

Nice of you to edit and donate the magazines. Did it inspire you?

5:07 AM  

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